翻訳サンプル(土木 建築関連1 和訳例)
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翻訳例32 土木 建築関連(1)
The reinforcement of the piles, beams, slabs and piles shall be made electrical continuous to the reinforcement of the adjoining existing beams. The reinforcement of the edge beams shall also be electrical continuous to the adjoining landside or seaside slab reinforcement. During fabrication of the reinforcing cage the Contractor shall ensure that all bars are tack welded where they cross selected longitudinal / transverse and horizontal / vertical bars to provide surely of electrical continuity. Or the Contractor shall install exclusive continuity bars (6mm diameter mild steel structural and for electrical continuity purpose only. The nominal weld size is 5mm long with 3mm legs. Particular attention shall be taken to ensure that the steel components of the new tie downs and stowed pins shall be electrically continuous with the reinforcement.